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About Us

Glorifying God. Growing in Christ. Going out to serve. 

Established in 1829, Timberridge Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) is a congregation with a rich history and, by God's grace, an even brighter future. At Timberridge you’ll find friendly people of all ages to shake your hand and help you feel welcome. Whether you’re just beginning to explore the Christian faith, are a longtime Christian, or are returning to the church after a time away, know that there is a place for you here. 


What We Believe

"In gratitude to God, empowered by the Spirit, we strive to serve Christ in our daily tasks and to live holy and joyful lives, even as we watch for God's new heaven and new earth, praying, "Come, Lord Jesus!" With believers in every time and place, we rejoice that nothing in life or in death can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." 

-from A Brief Statement of Faith found in The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Part I

As Presbyterians, we believe in the One Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is the creator and sustainer of the universe. In life and in death we belong to God, who loves us, and whom alone we worship and serve.


We believe in Jesus Christ, fully human, fully God. Jesus was crucified, dead, and buried, and on the third day was raised from the dead, making possible forgiveness of sin and everlasting life for those who believe.


We believe in the Holy Spirit, the giver and renewer of life. The Spirit fills us with the power and presence of God, sets us free to love God and neighbor, binds us together with other believers, engages us through the Word, and calls us all to ministry in the Church.


We believe Scripture, the Bible, is the Word of God, inspired by God and the authority for the faith and practice of God’s people. We believe salvation is a gift of grace, through faith.


We celebrate two sacraments: Baptism and Communion also called the Lord's Supper. Baptism unites us with Jesus Christ and makes us members of God’s family, the Church. It symbolizes the washing away of sin and new birth in Jesus Christ. In Communion, the bread and cup represent the body and blood of Jesus Christ and recall his last meal shared with his disciples. Celebrating the Lord's Supper renews and strengthens our faith, uniting us with Christ and one another around the table. All believers, Presbyterian or not, are welcome to participate in Communion.



Timberridge Presbyterian Church is a part of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and is a member congregation of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta. To learn more about the PCUSA or the presbytery, you can click on their logos above. 

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